Thursday, August 29, 2019

Our Backyard Beach House

We moved into our house about a year ago but we actually started working on it a year and a half ago. One of the things we just knew we were going to do was utilizing for fun the outbuilding that was then being used as a shed. It was such a great little brick building with a chimney and built in grill. But it was 60 or 70 years old and had gone through being a shed, then a workshop, then a doghouse, and then a shed again. It just needed some love. So we knew we wanted to do something with it, just had to decide how. And since we can both agree that the beach is always a good time, that was an easy choice for theme. These are the "Before" pictures... Everything done to the building was done by us except for actually putting up the shingle siding, soffit, and facia. We actually hired a guy to do that after we bought the materials, but really, I'm pretty sure Doug could have done that too. He just didnt want to take a chance on messing it up because he hadnt done it before. And here are the final result pictures... So